Updated June 7, 2022

Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers are to be responsible for environmental management, implement safe working conditions, treat employees with respect and dignity, and possess ethical business practices. Any reported violation would suspend or remove the supplier from the DTE Approved Supplier list.

Suppliers are expected to be able to provide documentation concerning due diligence of business ethics for their third­ party providers. Provisions in key international laws hold companies liable for business ethics related misconduct committed in the context of their relationships with third-party providers (i.e., agents, consultants, suppliers, distributors, joint-venture partners, or any individual or entity that has some form of business relationship with the organization). Given the risk exposures caused by a third-party, it is important that companies have adequate due diligence procedures in place. Due diligence can involve background checks and screenings of third party by means of sanction lists, tracking adverse media reports and identifying links to politically exposed persons, assessments of third parties on their own ethics & compliance programs and risk controls. The supplier should be able to provide documentation of procedures that demonstrate how these due diligence efforts are undertaken.

Corporate Social Responsibility- Suppliers are expected to be committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Strive to improve environmental performance over time and initiate additional projects and activities that will further reduce impacts on the environment. Suppliers not making conscious efforts to this issue may be suspended or removed from the DTE Approved Supplier list.

Areas of CSR focus should include, but not limited to:

  • Complying with all applicable environmental regulations.

  • Preventing pollution whenever possible.

  • Training staff on the company environmental programs and empower them to contribute and participate.

  • Communicate environmental commitment and efforts to customers, staff, and our community.

  • Continually improve over time by striving to measure environmental impacts and setting goals to reduce these impacts each year.

CSR Risk Mapping - DTE is committed to working with suppliers focused on reducing social and environmental risks in the supply chain. Supplier CSR efforts will be reviewed by DTE prior to selection and will be reviewed as part of the Supplier Assessment/Audit process.

Material must be in compliance with section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act. DT Engineering is requesting that its suppliers (1) commit to being or becoming "conflict-free" (which means that such supplier does not source conflict minerals) and sourcing only from conflict-free smelters, and (2) be able to provide to DT Engineering completed declarations (using the EICC-GeS/ reporting template) evidencing such commitment and documenting the countries of origin from which the supplier directly or indirectly sources tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, as well as the compliance structure that the supplier has implemented.